• 17 октября 2018, среда
  • Санкт-Петербург, ул. Малая Конюшенная, 1-3

Лекция в Шведском уголке: An empiric journey to Sápmi with Cooper&Gorfer

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Генеральное консульство Швеции в Санкт-Петербурге
2038 дней назад
17 октября 2018, начало в 17:30
ул. Малая Конюшенная, 1-3

Stretching over the northern parts of Sweden, Norway, Finland and the Kola Peninsula in Russia, Sápmi occupies an area almost the size of Sweden. Swedish-based Cooper&Gorfer duo takes you on a short journey through Sápmi region.

Portraying several generations of Swedish Sapmi women the "Interruptions" series by Cooper&Gorfer tells the story of the place, mapping its traumatic memories and severe and magnificent beauty.

Based in Gothenburg (Sweden) and Berlin (Germany), artists Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer have worked together since 2006. The main focus of their work is the role of women in isolated societies of indigenous people of northern Europe. The artists travel across remote and hardly accessible places to study the culture and everyday life of the inhabitants thereof, gathering stories and creating original photographic portraits in a complicated photo collage technique.




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