• 19 октября 2018, пятница
  • Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург, набережная канала Грибоедова, дом 123а, аудитория 402 (4 этаж). НИУ Высшая школа экономики

Social Trust and Radical Individualism. The Paradox at the Heart of the Nordic Model

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Генеральное консульство Швеции в Санкт-Петербурге
2036 дней назад
19 октября 2018, начало в 15:00
Санкт-Петербург, набережная канала Грибоедова, дом 123а, аудитория 402 (4 этаж). НИУ Высшая школа экономики

Join us at the Higher School of Economics at the open lecture delivered by Swedish journalist and historian Henrik Berggren on the essentials of the Nordic social model. A serious fundamental insight on Nordic life style and happiness.

The central axis around which the Nordic social contract is formed is the alliance between state and individual, something that might be called “statist individualism”. Here an emphasis on individual autonomy coincides with a positive view of the state as an ally of not only weaker and more vulnerable citizens, but the citizenry at large. This is coupled with a negative view of unequal power relations between individuals in general and hierarchical institutions in particular, such as the traditional patriarchal family and demeaning charitable organizations in civil society.    

About Henrik Berggren:

Editor and staff writer in the culture section of Dagens Nyheter 1990-2000, Chief editor 2000-2003, staff writer on the editorial page 2003-2010.

At present free-lance author and journalist.

In 2006 Henrik Berggren published a study of Swedish political culture (“Är svensken människa?”) together with Lars Tragårdh. In 2010 he came out with a biography of Olof Palme (“Underbara dagar framför oss”) that has been translated into six languages.

Select bibliography

Berggren, Henrik (1988). Proletärerna vid Mimers brunn: bildning och politisk mobilitet inom arbetarrörelsen 1906-1920. Historisk tidskrift (Stockholm). 1988 (108), s. [178]-200

– & Trägårdh, Lars (1990). Historikerna och språket: teoretiska ambitioner och praktiska begränsningar: en taktisk programförklaring. Historisk tidskrift (Stockholm). 1990 (110), s. [357]-375

– (1990). Worker’s education and representations of class in the Swedish labour movement 1900-1939. Language and the construction of class identities / Bo Stråth (ed) … .s. 469-494

– (1994). I skuggan av det förflutna: om att växa upp i det modernaste av samhällen. Det förflutna — ett främmande land?. S. 9-23

– (1995). Seklets ungdom: retorik, politik och modernitet 1900-1939. Diss. Stockholm: Univ.

– (1997). Modernity and the Nordic concept of youth. The cultural construction of Norden. S. [231]-252

– (2004). The forward-facing angel: nationalism and modernity in Sweden in the twentieth century. The Swedish success story?. S. 67-79

– ”Jag hör Amerika sjunga”, förord i Whitman, Walt (2006). Demokratiska perspektiv. Umeå: h:ström — Text & kultur

– & Trägårdh, Lars (2006). Är svensken människa?: gemenskap och oberoende i det moderna Sverige. Stockholm: Norstedts

– (2010). Underbara dagar framför oss: en biografi över Olof Palme. Stockholm: Norstedts


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